And I believe the only way for this to happen is if someone makes a mod for it so that if someone wants this, they can add the mod and play like that.

They only real life illnesses that they probably will add into the game is the cold, the flu, allergies like they did in TS3's Seasons and upset tummies from eating bad food. And if EA was to add this, just think of how much money they probably would lose because people just wouldn't want to buy the EP even though they know that they would be able to turn them off. It doesn't matter if EA puts in a way to turn them off, there is no way that EA will ever add them. And I can tell you that it's not a pretty sight to watch someone you love have to suffer and try to put up with the pain and all of the side effects of chemo and radiation and watch their hair fall out and getting sick from them. I'm guessing you never ever had to see someone you lover suffer from and/or die from cancer because if you had, you wouldn't be asking for this in the game.

It might just be an idea but it's not something that EA will ever put in.